My survey was on if people think drivers over 70 are at greater risks to be dangerous behind the wheel. My first question asked just that, do you think citizens over 70 are at a higher risk to be dangerous drivers? My responses all were yes except three who thought 80 would be a better age and one who disagreed entirely. My questions just trickled down from there with the question "do you think requiring drivers over 70 to take eye and road tests every two years would be a good idea since its proven eye sight and reaction times slower as you age." This question only had 75% agreeing. The last question was would you mind taking these tests once you or if you are 70 and that had only a 60% agreeing.
I asked a verity of ages and with the youngest college age 18-25 they almost all agreed with all the questions only one asked if mandating theses tests would be age discrimination which made me question myself I came back with a reply that if thats age discrimination than why don't we let 13 year olds drive? The last question about not minding put a few staying yes they'd mind. the next age group I surveyed was 30 to 60 they all agreed with the age 70 being the time drivers can get poorer, they did however not agree with the every two year tests and would be more comfortable with every 3 or 4 years. The older age group 60 and plus had a hard time agreeing with 70 they were more comfortable with 80 I think thats because they were around or close to that age and felt like they were good drivers. Some of them i could tell were taking theses survey questions personally which made it hard for them to answer rationally. One Senior citizen surveyed said there should be no laws on this because people know there limitations. The over 60 crowed all agreed that they would mind taking the tests.
The survey really helped me narrow my topic down to make my idea more appealing to all age groups. After listening to everyones views I think settling for a 80 and over age would be more reasonable and a eye and drivers test every three years instead would be easier to sell.